As usual, I came to inform you again. I'm going to talk about Webquest today, I and my two friends made a presentation about Webquest in class.

It is a WEB activity where students collect and analyze information. It was developed by Bernie Dodge at the San Diego State University in 1995.
WebQuest is not a software, it is an instructional design model.
*This tool based on the Constructivism provides ;
- information access
-rich content assignments
-thinking skills development (analyze, decision making, problem-solving etc.)
-cooperative learning.
*Students can find solutions to everyday problems or they can prepare projects and they can reach online resources and conduct group work without teachers.
*It creates a request for research and inquiry
*Zunal WebQuest Maker and WebQuest.Org are the most popular software.
Steps to be followed for creating a Webquest
Now let's go to the example of WebQuest we created!
The homepage is the one shown below.
There is a section called my profile found your personal information.
There is a section where you have the Webquests you have prepared.
In this section, you can define your Webquest title, description, grade level and keywords.
The actual situation and the problem presented to the student are found at Introduction. A scenario is written.
The desired things from students are presented at this stage and the activity's end product is explained.
With Webquest, you can create group activities for students. You can create activities that allow students to make comparisons, make hypotheses, and think multi-dimensionally, to analyze their mistakes. When it comes to how we use it in language teaching, I want to talk about a few details that the teacher should pay attention to.

It is a WEB activity where students collect and analyze information. It was developed by Bernie Dodge at the San Diego State University in 1995.
WebQuest is not a software, it is an instructional design model.
*This tool based on the Constructivism provides ;
- information access
-rich content assignments
-thinking skills development (analyze, decision making, problem-solving etc.)
-cooperative learning.

*It creates a request for research and inquiry
*Zunal WebQuest Maker and WebQuest.Org are the most popular software.
Steps to be followed for creating a Webquest
Now let's go to the example of WebQuest we created!
The homepage is the one shown below.
There is a section called my profile found your personal information.
There is a section where you have the Webquests you have prepared.
In this section, you can define your Webquest title, description, grade level and keywords.
The actual situation and the problem presented to the student are found at Introduction. A scenario is written.
What needs to be done to complete the task are explained.
A rubric that covers all the processes and evaluates some part of the process is created.
The results obtained by students are shared.
This section is a section where you and your colleagues can give advice to each other.
Apart from these, there are review, author, settings, module and publish sections.
How can this tool be used in Language Learning?

-The teacher should be knowledgeable about online resources related to content because she/he will provide resources for the students.
-These resources should be classified and presented to guide the student by identifying online materials suitable for the teacher's purpose.
-The teacher should explain each step in detail.
After all this, I think WebQuest is a great program for writing and learning vocabulary. It will be a bit simple, but let 's say I want to teach the animals to the students. I can give pupils relevant keywords related to animals eg colors related words; descriptive words such as tail, four-legged, reptile; verbs such as running, jumping, etc. I can offer fable examples. I can give them videos on what the animals do in their daily lives. Then I want them to write a text telling about the characteristics of the animals, what they ate in their daily lives, how they spend their days. Or I would like them to create a fable example after learning many features about the animals.
I hope you enjoy this idea, see you!
My friends' blogs are below.
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