After a long break I returned with a new literature post!
Form and Meter
**The other known name of the poem is 'Nineteen-Fourteen'.
**It has 14 lines and it is a sonnet. The first 8 lines are called octave, these lines are about a problem which is solved in the sestet.
* *The first line of the sestet (the nineth line of the sonnet) is called 'turn' or 'volta' because the poem starts to change in this line.
-The first 8 lines tackle the possibility of the soldier's death and its reflection for England.
-In the nineth line, the speaker changes the topic and start to talk about afterlife in the sky, what it will be like in heaven, actually English heaven.
**The soldier is written in a metrical form called 'iambic pentameter'. Let's examine the words from the poem below;
And think, this heart,all evil shed away washed by river blest by suns of home.
**Petrarchan sonnet and Shakespearen sonnet are combined.
ANALYSIS of Speaker
*The title represents a single soldier who is the subject of the poem.It is clear in the line 1 that the title was referring to soldier wishes for how he should be remembered if he dies in a war. The soldier hasn't a name because he wanted this soldier to represent the many other British soldiers or even soldiers in general.
*He is a realist. ' If I should die,...' These words show a cold, hard truth.
*He is an idealist, a patriot. He thinks heaven that look likes England, his home, the same thought, sights, sounds and dreams of England. He thinks and accepts heaven as a perfect place. His idea is that 'I am happy to die for my country.' And he thinks about English heaven and he accepts foreign field as his enemy.
Idealization of country is found in this poetry. The poetry is based on patriotism idea and it tries to show the positive aspects of war. When you fight and die for your country, your corpse flourishes there as England. Your death isn't a vain, but for your country.
1) The soldier wants others to think about his own death. He is realistic because he shows a cold, hard truth with these words. The soldier wants other to think about why he died, the cause he died for.
2) He accepts foreign field as his enemy.
4) The soldier's death makes the land a better place and enrich the land. There is quite jingoistic. When he dies, he returns to the Earth as a English dust.
Ashes to ashes; dust to dust.
It is a the Judeo-Christian idea and means that we must return to the world because we are made up dustsof the Earth. This idea is found in the poem because he was 'a dust whom England bore' his eternity found in 'some corner of a foreign field' just could be 'for ever England'.
5-6-7-8) PERSONIFICATION is made by using the words bore, shaped, made aware, gave her flowers, her way to roam, body, breathing, washed and blessed.
6-7-8 ) Many compounds of nature and life; air, sun, water, are characterized as England.
8) 'washed by the rivers / blest by suns of home'
It is the religious ritual of baptism. England is tried to be associated with the God and the heaven with 'blest' and baptism is associated with a love of motherland with 'washed'.
9) Dying for England is showed as positive thing, it has a purifying effect and if the soldier dies for his country, he will be one with God.
10) God's mind : It has never been created and will never die.
11-12) The mental and physical beings are tied to England in the eternity of the poet. The two become an indivisible whole even in death. Both the presence of England and the thoughts by England will continue to exist after his death and he says that he will remeber England's sights and sounds.
14) The soldier's heart is at peace, he is proud of dying for England, he knows that he is fighting for his country and he is protecting his country. His reward is English heaven. It is better than paradise, this paradise is just like England.
This poem doesn't talk about the soldier's death but the soldier's future if he dies in war.
I hope you like my post, I'm waiting for your comments!

**The other known name of the poem is 'Nineteen-Fourteen'.
**It has 14 lines and it is a sonnet. The first 8 lines are called octave, these lines are about a problem which is solved in the sestet.
* *The first line of the sestet (the nineth line of the sonnet) is called 'turn' or 'volta' because the poem starts to change in this line.
-The first 8 lines tackle the possibility of the soldier's death and its reflection for England.
-In the nineth line, the speaker changes the topic and start to talk about afterlife in the sky, what it will be like in heaven, actually English heaven.
**The soldier is written in a metrical form called 'iambic pentameter'. Let's examine the words from the poem below;
And think, this heart,all evil shed away washed by river blest by suns of home.
**Petrarchan sonnet and Shakespearen sonnet are combined.
ANALYSIS of Speaker

*He is a realist. ' If I should die,...' These words show a cold, hard truth.
*He is an idealist, a patriot. He thinks heaven that look likes England, his home, the same thought, sights, sounds and dreams of England. He thinks and accepts heaven as a perfect place. His idea is that 'I am happy to die for my country.' And he thinks about English heaven and he accepts foreign field as his enemy.
Idealization of country is found in this poetry. The poetry is based on patriotism idea and it tries to show the positive aspects of war. When you fight and die for your country, your corpse flourishes there as England. Your death isn't a vain, but for your country.
1) The soldier wants others to think about his own death. He is realistic because he shows a cold, hard truth with these words. The soldier wants other to think about why he died, the cause he died for.
2) He accepts foreign field as his enemy.
4) The soldier's death makes the land a better place and enrich the land. There is quite jingoistic. When he dies, he returns to the Earth as a English dust.
Ashes to ashes; dust to dust.
It is a the Judeo-Christian idea and means that we must return to the world because we are made up dustsof the Earth. This idea is found in the poem because he was 'a dust whom England bore' his eternity found in 'some corner of a foreign field' just could be 'for ever England'.
5-6-7-8) PERSONIFICATION is made by using the words bore, shaped, made aware, gave her flowers, her way to roam, body, breathing, washed and blessed.
6-7-8 ) Many compounds of nature and life; air, sun, water, are characterized as England.
8) 'washed by the rivers / blest by suns of home'
It is the religious ritual of baptism. England is tried to be associated with the God and the heaven with 'blest' and baptism is associated with a love of motherland with 'washed'.
9) Dying for England is showed as positive thing, it has a purifying effect and if the soldier dies for his country, he will be one with God.
10) God's mind : It has never been created and will never die.
11-12) The mental and physical beings are tied to England in the eternity of the poet. The two become an indivisible whole even in death. Both the presence of England and the thoughts by England will continue to exist after his death and he says that he will remeber England's sights and sounds.
14) The soldier's heart is at peace, he is proud of dying for England, he knows that he is fighting for his country and he is protecting his country. His reward is English heaven. It is better than paradise, this paradise is just like England.
This poem doesn't talk about the soldier's death but the soldier's future if he dies in war.
I hope you like my post, I'm waiting for your comments!
gracias bro