Our last lesson topic was on the wiki.
In general, I will share with you what is the wiki, the comparison of the blog with the wiki and the benefits of the wiki.
Features of Wikis
*The wiki is derived from the word ''wiki wiki'' that it means fast in Hawaii.
*Every user can make changes on the wiki page.
*It provides its user to access information, add and correct information, create content and information documentation.
*It provides information transfer among people in almost every topics.
*It is free and anyone can use the wiki's pages.
Wikis Vs Blogs
-Blogs are personal but wikis are open to everyone.
-The blog administrator chooses what to write about at his/her sweet will, but in wikis, everyone can share information about everything they want.
How are Wikis contribute to the development of language skills?
+ It improves students writing skill. Students select a topic and discuss this topic (they make a brainstorm on this) and a text generated by the students will emerge.
+Thanks to the dictionary option, students can increase their vocabulary, teachers can show the synonyms and antonyms of their words and their meanings thanks to this dictionary.
+Its greatest benefit, no doubt, is to provide a collaborative environment for the students.

Now is the time to tell my homework. I will share a book I read by creating a wiki page. I will tell you the book, Frankenstein.
In general, I will start with its author, page numbers, genre and I will summarize the book and I will rate the book and give advice you for reading it.
From here you can create your own timeline.
You should absolutely read the Frankenstein book.
Take care of yourself!
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