Learning in the 21st century...
What are the first things that come to mind?
The words that come to my mind are at the bottom.
Technology has become an integral part of this century's education. Nobody can deny it. Computers, projections, the Internet used in classrooms to make the course effective. In the past, education was given by blackboard and chalk. Wow! How much the learning materials are advanced!
(If you click on this picture that I have prepared for you, you will find a video related to our topic.)
Take a look at the post that involves from the notes I took in the lesson. Today, I will talk about what the 4Cs are. They are the most indispensable skills required for 21st-century education.
*Critical Thinking
Creativity, students have an active role and today's opportunity allows them to create new things with the help of their impressive imagination.
Collaboration, students become aware of their responsibilities and work in harmony and cooperation in order to accomplish a common goal.
Critical Thinking is necessary to solve a problem analytically, evaluate the situations and choose right decisions.
Communication, Students share their ideas and knowledge, they support and develop each other's ideas. They improve their listening skills. This communication can be verbal, written or via the Internet/multimedia.

Take care of yourself until next share!
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