It is an impressive tool for the combination of technology and learning. With the development of the mainframe computer and programs located at some universities in the world, CALL emerged. These universities started to create local area networks and these networks made communication of computers on campus easy. After a while educators directed their attention towards to use these networks for language learning and teaching.
CALL is divided into three divisions within itself.
*Behavioristic CALL (the 1950s-1970s)
*Communicative CALL (the 1970s-1980s)
*Integrative CALL (the 1990s-today)
Behavioristic CALL is based on the behaviorist approach to learning, actually Skinner's operant conditioning. Form-focused, stimulus-response-feedback model, habit-formation, reinforcement, drills, and practice are keywords. Computers are an ideal tool and student cannot pass the second step without finishing the first step.
Communicative CALL is based on the communicative approach. Meaning-focused and implicit grammar teaching are keywords. Computers provide discussion, writing, analytical and critical thinking to students.
Computers have three roles:
-The Computer as a Tutor
-The Computer as Stimulus
-The Computer as Tool
Integrative CALL is still valid today. Web-based activity, authentic discourse, powerful desktop computers with the Internet are keywords. Multimedia and electronic communication are basic components of thi̇s CALL. It provides various technological tools and students have active roles as the creator of new information.
I have explained what CALL is and I have prepared a timeline for you. The timeline covers events from the 1940s to the present day. There are some details that I did not mention.
I hope it helps to you, see you on my next share!
click on the picture and prepare a timeline
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